475,346,000 $STORE tokens on the STORE Research, Inc. balance sheet ($47.059MM value)
A United States patent on BlockfinBFT, a parallel and pipelined BFT consensus algorithm
Governance app for protocol-level decentralized checks and balances on STORE
Governance APIs to power high-performance cloud computing and zero-fee blockspace
Governed Cloud app bringing STORE Governance to high-performance cloud computing
App-level governance designs for Web2 to issue governance tokens via STORE Cloud
IP for incentivizing a peer-to-peer democracy in a trust-minimized computing network
IP for incentivizing protection against DDoS and spam on a zero-fee ledger
IP for trust-minimized cloud computing (patents in progress)
IP for state-of-connection, state-of-compute, and state-of-storage (patents in progress)
Trademarks (in progress): STORE Protocol, STORE Cloud, STORE Chain, Electricity for Web3, more
Domains: storecloud.org, storeprotocol.org, governance.store, treasury.store, more
Twitter handles: @thestorecloud, @storegov, @storedevs, @storebroadcast, more