Here are all of the primary colors we use for STORE projects. They are labeled and displayed with hex color values.
text (default)
text (dim)
text (dark background) #fff
dark background
Here are all of the primary gradients we use for STORE projects. They are labeled and displayed with hex color values.
#2d5fa4 - #249ba8
#ccdde8 - #d2efee
#0e1a31 - #0a3233
#2d5fa4 - #249ba8
#2b3a98 - #3375a7
#4b2d83 - #9d51b8
#1e1e20 - #38415d
STORE uses the Montserrat font family of fonts for online and printed communications. Generally speaking, Montserrat Regular should be used for headlines and Montserrat Light should be used for body text.
These logos should appear on all STORE communications in one way or another. Consistency and visibility is important. This is the preferred version of the STORE logo. Other acceptable versions of the logo will be presented later.
The graphical icon on the left is called the “brandmark” and the text on the right is called the “wordmark”. Together they create the complete “logo”.
This is the preferred version of the Store Cloud logo, slightly different than the STORE protocol logos above.
This is the STORE wordmark. This wordmark should be used in almost all cases. It is preferred that the wordmark is paired with the brandmark, but if space is limited than the wordmark by itself is sufficient.
The wordmark is constructed from the Proxima Nova Regular typeface. It has been kerned to improve the readability of a fully capitalized wordmark.
STORE logo reveal in 3D rendered video format.
STORE is a decentralized network, and it is constantly growing through community contributions. We have many projects under the STORE umbrella. Here are current working versions of these project logos.
Here are all of the primary colors we use for STORE projects. They are labeled and displayed with hex color values.
text (default)
text (dim)
text (dark background) #fff
dark background
Here are all of the primary gradients we use for STORE projects. They are labeled and displayed with hex color values.
#2d5fa4 - #249ba8
#ccdde8 - #d2efee
#0e1a31 - #0a3233
#2d5fa4 - #249ba8
#2b3a98 - #3375a7
#4b2d83 - #9d51b8
#1e1e20 - #38415d
STORE uses the Montserrat font family of fonts for online and printed communications. Generally speaking, Montserrat Regular should be used for headlines and Montserrat Light should be used for body text.
These logos should appear on all STORE communications in one way or another. Consistency and visibility is important. This is the preferred version of the STORE logo. Other acceptable versions of the logo will be presented later.
The graphical icon on the left is called the “brandmark” and the text on the right is called the “wordmark”. Together they create the complete “logo”.
This is the preferred version of the Store Cloud logo, slightly different than the STORE protocol logos above.
This is the STORE wordmark. This wordmark should be used in almost all cases. It is preferred that the wordmark is paired with the brandmark, but if space is limited than the wordmark by itself is sufficient.
The wordmark is constructed from the Proxima Nova Regular typeface. It has been kerned to improve the readability of a fully capitalized wordmark.
STORE logo reveal in 3D rendered video format.
STORE is a decentralized network, and it is constantly growing through community contributions. We have many projects under the STORE umbrella. Here are current working versions of these project logos.
Collections of memes, GIFs, and stickers from the STORE team and community
Collections of GIFs and images to be used as backgrounds on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Collections of GIFs and images to be used as backgrounds on Facebook, Twitter, etc.